02 9724 6356 info@imaginationspre-school.com.au

Committed to providing the very best of care
and early childhood development

Fairfield Childcare

Fairfield Childcare – Why you should send your child to Imaginations pre-school

We all want the absolute best when it comes to our children, and this is especially the case when it comes childcare and early learning. Fairfield childcare centres options are plentiful, but it is important to ensure that the best one is found in order for your child to have the best chance of growing and developing. Here at Imaginations, we believe we have one of the best Fairfield childcare centres and this is for a number of reasons. First of all, we are extremely committed to providing the best of care and early childhood development. This drive means that every aspect of the services that we offer are well thought about and all of our team members are extremely passionate. This can make the world of difference when it comes to care as we will focus on your child individually to ensure that they have fun with learning and feel like our centre is an extension of their home. Furthermore, we understand that education is at the forefront of change, so we strive to participate in and contribute to leadership in early childhood education practices, as well as research. Making a difference when it comes to Fairfield childcare is of the utmost importance to us, and we aim to reflect this in the outstanding amenities that we offer.

We are committed to innovation

One of the best reasons to send your child to our centre here at Imaginations is because we are committed to innovation. We reflect this innovation in all areas including in our philosophies, the curriculum that we provide, as well as our state-of-the-art centre. We place a strong emphasis on diversity in our centre which children are able to take out into the real world with them. This means that children will learn about different cultures, Aboriginal history, and inclusion. When it comes to our curriculum we aim to provide an individualised experience which will nurture each child’s individual talents. This is achieved by providing a mixture of play-based activities and intentional teaching which is based upon a child’s interests. This way they are able to develop their skills in areas that they enjoy, and they are able to gain confidence in themselves. On top of all of this, our centre is carefully thought out with many different interactive areas. We have designated zones where children can participate in different activities, different rooms created for different age groups, and a fantastic outdoor area where children can receive important sunshine. We aim to push the envelope when it comes to Fairfield childcare, and we believe we are achieving this by carefully curating each and every aspect of the services that we provide.

We are fully licenced, and state approved

In addition to providing a warm and nurturing environment where parents will feel safe leaving their children, we are also fully licensed, and state approved. This means that we are a recognised child care facility and parents will be able to claim government rebates when they send their children to us. This is extremely important for many families as childcare can be a struggle for many and will often cost the same amount as a parent’s wage for that day. Parents can also feel safe knowing that all of our team members are qualified, are trained in first-aid, have a valid and up-to-date working with children’s check, as well as a national police check. We take regulations very seriously here at Imaginations and so we are sure to never cut any corners when it comes to the services that we provide. On top of all of this, we also offer flexible hours ranging from 7am – 6.30pm and we are able to provide care for children ranging from 0-6 years old. We are also open for 52 weeks of the year and are able to take care of up to 76 children at a time. Why you should send your child to us In addition to all of the above reasons mentioned, we really do believe that we offer some of the best care in town. We want to work in partnership with parents to provide excellent care for their children, and we honour each parent as a child’s first teacher. We aim to collaborate rather than take over, and so we encourage parents and families to contribute and participate in our curriculum, programs, and events. All in all, we understand the importance of early learning and so are here to offer the best services that we possibly can.

childcare in Fairfield

Imaginations Pre-school & Early Learning Centre in Fairfield – The place to let your child grow

There are many parents out there who are looking for childcare in Fairfield. Not only will they be looking for somewhere to send their kids, but they will be looking for somewhere that they can let their child grow and evolve. Many kids will be heading off to primary school in a year or two and parents will want to ensure that they have the adequate learning and social skills required for this. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for mums and dads to be unsatisfied with generic childcare in Fairfield. They want their kids to get one on one time where they can be nurtured and developed. Parents want their kids to be prepared for the real world and to receive a unique experience that most other kindergartens don’t supply. Here at Imaginations Pre-school & Early Learning Centre, we take a more boutique approach that will see kids thrive. We offer the very best of early childhood development and childcare in Fairfield. Our unique approach, philosophies, and values are what sets us apart from the rest and our curriculum is specifically designed to see our students flourish. With many parents wanting to give their kids the best chance possible, we know that we will have something to offer here at Imaginations Fairfield.

We give your child the best start possible to lifelong learning

The environment we offer here at Imaginations Fairfield is warm, inviting, welcoming, and safe. We strive to create a place where kids are excited to come and don’t feel like it is just a chore. We achieve this by building enthusiasm and by placing emphasis on socialising and interacting with others. Building these skills makes it easier for students to cope and learn in a new environment which makes it more likely that they will soak up their education rather than resent it. As we understand that every child is an individual and will have different needs, we have different rooms to accommodate for this. Our starlighter room is where students can come to build their confidence in learning and begin to feel safe spending time away from home. They can be encouraged to feel independent all while under supervision and will be given intentional teaching based on their interests. This is the perfect room to start in for those who want to bridge the gap between home and school. Our sunlighter room is where kids go to continue to develop and grow their specific interests. This is where they will establish their unique learning identity as well as how to utilise that. The planned play-based curriculum will ensure that in-depth learning will occur all while keeping a child interested. Finally, our moonlighter room is the place for those who are almost ready to transition to primary school. Here they can participate in literature, art, music, interaction, and engagement. This is where students can become confident, capable, and resourceful, getting all ready to enter the schooling system.

We strive to teach with respect and honesty

It is apart of our philosophies to teach with respect and honesty. This means that we honour parents and family as the first teachers, and we are simply an extension of that. We acknowledge diversity of different cultures, languages, religions, and ability levels, which means that we understand that everyone is completely unique. We pay our respects to the original custodians of this land and ensure that we acknowledge the Aboriginal people. We take rights and responsibilities very seriously which means that all children are valued equally. Furthermore, we have high expectations for children’s learning and are committed to ensuring that they are competent in all fields such as language, literacy, science, maths, music, and arts. On top of all of this, we have high expectations for our educators. Not only do our educators uphold an ethical practice that follows the Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics, but we ensure that our teachers are constantly learning and reflecting upon themselves. We understand how much students can thrive with good and open teachers, so we constantly strive to achieve this here at Imaginations Fairfield.

In conclusion, there are many different places that a child could be taken to receive an early education. We here at Imaginations Preschool & Early Learning Centre, believe that we are the best place to send your child in Fairfield in order to see them flourish and grow. To get more information or to chat with one of our friendly staff members, simply pop into the centre and say hi.

Curabitur sed auctor nulla


Sed vitae convallis lorem, sed gravida magna. Suspendisse varius mi quis lorem vestibulum fringilla. Praesent non ante ac leo semper malesuada. Ut ultricies massa nec arcu mollis fringilla. Nam vestibulum tortor diam, nec mattis orci dictum at. Nunc fermentum nisi libero, sed iaculis ligula fermentum in. Morbi id augue nisi. Vivamus quis lacus pulvinar quam facilisis sodales suscipit et lorem. Fusce at scelerisque sapien. Aliquam euismod mattis purus sit amet tempus. Sed porttitor ullamcorper est sit amet interdum. Continue…

Curabitur nibh nulla, fermentum in ullamcorper

Duis commodo ante ac ligula scelerisque, in varius nulla aliquam. Praesent elit metus, pharetra vitae sem et, vestibulum sagittis ipsum. Nullam convallis erat tristique leo consectetur sodales. Fusce lacinia est a erat elementum euismod. Sed eget mauris varius, tincidunt nisi ac, cursus eros. Phasellus quis leo vestibulum, euismod libero eget, vulputate diam. Donec ex mi, elementum id libero vel, imperdiet porta massa. Morbi vel ipsum placerat, euismod nibh vitae, varius lorem. Nullam porta nisi eu eros fermentum commodo. Maecenas vulputate mattis orci vel accumsan. Sed in diam imperdiet, finibus nulla eu, placerat orci. Donec ut cursus lorem. Nam porta quis nulla ut suscipit. Ut pharetra varius dignissim. Quisque vel nibh velit. Nulla eget efficitur leo. Continue…

Nulla facilisi

Duis est nisi, finibus eget tellus ac, blandit ultrices nunc. Proin non consectetur nisl. Morbi sit amet metus enim. Nulla scelerisque consectetur lobortis. Nullam eget nisi vitae tortor convallis rutrum. Sed fermentum tortor id sem auctor, at mollis mi pellentesque. Suspendisse nunc est, ultrices non commodo ac, cursus mollis velit. Sed posuere viverra ex, et tincidunt risus consequat nec. Cras ac luctus tortor. Nulla facilisi. Continue…