02 9724 6356 info@imaginationspre-school.com.au

Committed to providing the very best of care
and early childhood development

How To Get Ready For Your Child’s Early Education

Little children have their first educational experience at home. At a certain age, the children will need to go to a school to receive a formal education. 

The early school experience can be smooth for you and your child if you know what you should do to prepare. This post has some helpful tips you can use to help your child start learning formally.

Early education is an essential phase in a child’s academic and general life. The foundation on which the child’s education is built depends on the early education experience. 

For everyone who feels anxiety because their child is about to start preschool, it is not a difficult experience. Think about it as putting the starting blocks in place to build a great adult eventually.

The following tips will help you avoid any ‘surprises’ as your child starts pre-school at a Fairfield childcare centre;

Find a Preschool Near you


We can write a long list of advantages to enjoy when your child goes to a preschool near you. It is convenient, and proximity will help you sort out any issue related to logistics.

You can find several preschools near you by Googling “child care Fairfield NSW”. 

Request your Fairfield Child Care Centres Operating Schedule


You can make better plans to accommodate changes in your daily schedule when you know our operating pattern. The information you need includes opening and closing times, logistics arrangements, and additional support offered to parents and preschoolers when necessary.

Discuss Expectations from our Childcare Centre in Fairfield


You should have identified particular expectations from the preschool before enrolling your early learner in childcare at Fairfield Heights.

Discuss your expectations with the admin team to know if you will get the results you need. Generally, the learning schedule is tailored to meet all students’ needs, and the results we get at our Fairfield childcare centre are excellent.

Ask for School Guidance 


If you know little about performance monitoring, you should ask for help from the preschool. We will be more than delighted to offer you tips on performance monitoring and basic assessments to know if your child is learning and developing under our watch.

Inform the School of Special Health Conditions (if any)


You should inform the preschool if there’s any health condition they should be aware of. This is to ensure your child is safer with us.

Parents can ask about first-aid protocols in the case of health emergencies.

Check the Meal Menu


The generic meal menu is suitable for all early learners at our childcare centre in Fairfield. However, to be sure it is what you expect, find out the meal menu. 

The little ones get used to leaving home for preschool quickly because they have such a good time at Imaginations Child Care in Fairfield. So you don’t need to worry about separation anxiety.

We look forward to answering any questions you may have and accepting your child as one of our students.

Visual Stimulation

Visual stimulation is part and parcel of activities at Imaginations Pre-School and Early Learning Fairfield childcare centre. It’s one of the five senses to explore and children often learn through visual aids. Visual perception involves sensory processing through the sense of sight and interpreting and responding to visual stimuli is an essential way in which children learn and grow. It is the brain’s capacity to interpret what children’s eyes see but it doesn’t mean 20/20 vision. It’s more about responding to visual stimuli in a manner befitting visual perception. Vibrant colours offers a sensory experience for children especially with toys and craft activities enhancing their ability to process visual stimulation. Visual perception is crucial for reading and writing and sourcing things in the external environment. Visual attention refers to the capacity to filter out the irrelevant information and hone in on the visual stimuli. Visual discrimination refers to the ability to assess the similarities and differences of items in sight. As a Fairfield childcare centre, we strongly-value visual stimulation as part of our program of activities for children. Particular toys and games enhances visual stimulation and perception and can assist in visual memory for recalling attributes of objects and items. Drawing pictures is a fantastic way to aid visual perception and building blocks are great for visual perception as well. There are ways to improve visual perception abilities such as colour coding, directional arrows, outlining boundaries and breaking activities into smaller steps with visual stimuli. With visual discrimination children will eliminate distractions within sight and identify key similarities and differences. As your local childcare Fairfield centre, Imaginations Pre-School and Early Learning Centre has a team of educators who are passionate about letting children grow and develop with visual stimulation and perception through learning and play activities.

The Benefits of an Early Learning Centre

There is a plethora of benefits to children attending early learning centres such as our Fairfield childcare centre. Our suitably-qualified educators value children’s growth and development and we enhance learning and growth through effective activities. Our Fairfield childcare centre is an extension of home with educators who are passionate about educating your little one. By enrolling your beloved little one into our Fairfield childcare centre you are exposing them to learning activities that fosters cognitive development, play time creativity and socialisation not to mention engagement with adults and letting the imagination run free. We seek to foster interpersonal skills within your child so that they have the best opportunity to socialise and gain skills for interaction with other children. This is important in preparing them for school where they will make friends with other children and engage in social play time activities. Through encouragement, inspiration and motivation, our educators gentle guide children in various activities which aids their learning and development and this can be an extension of learning at home. Our team strongly-values mental, physical and social stimulation as well as emotional health and wellbeing so you can be confident in our ability to cater for your child’s needs. We ensure that each and every child is well taken care of and safe and secure within our environment. We embrace diversity and inclusivity so children are exposed to different cultures and nationalities and therefore grow with cultural awareness. The benefits of an early learning centre such as our Fairfield childcare centre are seemingly endless with a professional and friendly team of educators who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure the happiness and fulfilment of the children. We love nothing more than smiling happy faces of the children in our care.

Valuing Uniqueness

Our team of qualified educators understand and value uniqueness of every child and their individual learning styles and abilities. We foster growth and development through learning and play time activities and value the uniqueness of creativity which children engage with and develop. We motivate children to seek and explore and engage with their senses and learning styles to learn and develop key skills. We are often amazed at what children come up with in learning and play activities and we truly believe in children experiencing the world around them in their own unique way. Every child is different and has varying abilities for learning and development and we value this and engage with the children in an effective manner befitting their individual needs. For a Fairfield childcare centre, Imaginations Pre-School and Early Learning Centre is the centre to choose for childcare and early learning and we go above and beyond to assist the children with their unique way of interacting with the environment.

What Does An Early Learning Centre Do?

The first few years of a child’s life shapes how they navigate through the rest of their life therefore it is highly-important to give your little one the best start possible. Environments like early learning centres foster and help children develop skills that will not only help them prepare for the school environment, but it will provide a space for your child to grow emotionally and mentally too. A great early learning centre fosters a safe, happy and positive learning environment, where children feel happy to come too each day. Utilising warm, friendly and qualified educators and staff, our Imaginations Pre-School and Early Learning Centre encourages children to seek, explore and develop knowledge of the world around them while building friendships and solid relationships. A stimulating environment is provided, so that your little ones will constantly be entertained, challenged and encouraged to develop through play. Positive reinforcement and teaching through play and stimulation gives children a solid foundation for learning, and it also aids them in retaining information. You will be rest assured that your decision to send your little one too a good early learning centre is a good one and feel quite secure knowing they are in good hands throughout the day.

Why Your Child Should Attend an Early Learning Centre?

By enrolling your child in an early learning centre, not only will they be able to develop socially by being in a class environment at an early age, it will set them up for their schooling life. The skills required to be a good learner can be developed from birth and an early learning centre such as Imaginations Pre-School and Early Learning Centre seeks to foster those skills in a way that will help children develop a strong and healthy relationship with learning from an early age. Studies show that children who attend early learning are fifty percent more likely to be more developed and less vulnerable when they start school. It is also shown that children who attend three or more years of high standard early learning show higher literacy and numeracy skills in their later school years, as well as better in science. By enrolling your child in an early learning centre, you are giving them an opportunity to be surrounded by stimulation and encouragement where children are able to develop and learn at their own pace and taught that learning is fun. By encouraging a love of learning at an early age, it sets children up for more positive experiences as they grow using play, discovery and fun. The benefits do not just come from an educational perspective though; Imaginations Pre-School and Early Learning Centre also helps children develop on a social/emotional level, a creative level and a physical level. Activities are designed with these areas of development in mind, so when your child is attending a good early learning centre, they are being exposed to a wide range of skills that will help them throughout their life.

The Outcomes of Childhood Learning

In the first five years of a persons life, they are at a higher capacity to learn and are developing more rapidly than at any stage of life. While each child develops at their own pace, it is important to recognise their development and make sure it is fostered in a way that will help them form positive experiences and help them on all different levels. It is important to see their development in a physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language sense as they grow as not to impede them later in life. Putting pressure academically child at an age too early or pushing them to go past their skillset can have a negative effect on them in their emotional development, but the same can be said if they are developing behind and it is not addressed. Places like an early learning centre can help parents gauge where their children should be and can help children develop in all aspects. A good early learning centre such as Imaginations Pre-School and Early Learning Centre can help provide this space but it is important that a parent knows what their child needs; a centre that puts too much pressure on academic work can be just as detrimental as a centre that does not provide them with any stimulation. When it comes to childhood learning, this time is where you can have the most impact on them in their lifelong attitudes to learning, growing and development, so it is important to try your best to make sure your child is being encouraged and is growing in the most positive way possible.